It's too bad we don't take the same approach to women's ministry. Because of the passages in Scipture that prohibit women from being pastors of the church and holding positions of authority over men, women seem to like to camp out on these issues, especially with feminism being on the rise in today's society. However, the problem is that women spend so much time complaining on the roles that God has not called us to fulfill in Scripture that we are neglecting to complete the ministry that He has called us to do!
Look back to the passage in Proverbs 31. That is ONE BUSY chick! She doesn't have time to complain about limitations placed on her role in the church. In fact, looking at her To-Do List, she is probably relieved that there is a task to be done that she is not responsible for!
So before we dive into Proverbs 31, let's take some time to look at what God has called us as women of God to do in Scripture. He has given us 5 distinct tasks, which we will talk about over the next few posts. Be praying about how God might use you in one of the following positions.
God has called women to:
1) Mentor younger women
2) Teach children
3) Share the gospel
4) Serve
5) Pray
And intead of thinking that these tasks are too much for you, remember the Little Engine that Could's phrase and God's promise. Even if you think you can't, remember that God CAN.
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